Our church supports Mission work through

the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention, 

the Baptist Convention of Maryland/Delaware, 

and the Eastern Baptist Association of Churches.

We financially support other local, regional, and international works.

  • Sussex Pregnancy Care Center, Georgetown, DE

    A caring place for women who are facing an unplanned pregnancy.  

    Moms & Dads will find resources, training, counseling, and support.

  • Gideons international

    Sharing the Good News of Jesus with a lost and dying world by placing Bibles in local hotels, giving New Testaments to students, and distributing Bibles around the world.

  • Chosen People ministries

    Ari & Karen Hauben, Chosen People missionaries, share the hope of Messiah with people in the Philadelphia area.  

  • Trans World Radio - Guam

    Trans World Radio workers, Steve & Beth Brunson, live on Guam.  Steve is an engineer enabling TWR to share Christian radio broadcasts into difficult locations around the world.

  • Drawing Others to Christ

    Paul & Vicki Young, along with their sons, share Jesus with thousands of school children in South Africa through chalk artistry. Their message of hope and salvation is blended into every chalk drawing.

  • Native American LINK

    Native American LINK (Living in Neighborly Kindness) is a Baptist ministry based in Oklahoma, designed to help women strengthen family life, preserve cultural identity, and develop personal skills.

  • Wycliffe Bible Translators

    Wycliffe Bible Translators strive to advance the translation of the Bible into every language, so that all will know the Lord Jesus Christ through His Word.


Ministries in North America/National/State/Local

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering
International Student Dinner, Ocean City, MD- Feeding international students

School Supplies for local elementary school

Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Boxes

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions